• Meet Gloria Nyaburu

    Age: 16 Birthday: June 17, 2000 Grade: Secondary, Level 3 Gloria came to Awinjo House on April 21, 2011. Gloria’s father died and her mother has no education, can only do menial jobs, and has three other children. Gloria had some bad behavior at first, but has now become saved and is well behaved and... (Read more)

  • Meet Obbo Hannington

    Age: 7 Birthday: 2009 Grade: Secondary, Level 3 Obbo Hannington came to Awinjo House June 2, 2016. Obbo’s father, Okumu Fred quarreled with his wife and as a result burned their house down in 2012 or 2013, and all family records were lost. He died Nov. 2015 of alcohol abuse, and left his wife Aketch... (Read more)

  • Meet Sheila Athieno

    Age: 7 Birthday: 2009 Grade: Primary, Level 1 Sheila Athieno came to Awinjo House at the end of May 2012. Sheila’s father is unknown, her mother abandoned her, and the grandmother who was taking care of her became very sick. She was brought to an American couple who nursed Sheila back to health, but when... (Read more)