• Meet Prossy Ahero

    Age: 16 Birthday: April 8, 2000 Grade: Secondary, Level 2 Prossy Ahero came to Awinjo House on February 23, 2013. Prossy's mother died in a road accident, her father is unknown, and she was staying with grandparents who could not pay the school fees for Prossy and her sister Shalom. When Prossy came she had... (Read more)

  • Meet Silver Othieno

    Age: 16 Birthday: 2000 Grade: Primary, Level 6 Silver came to Awinjo House on September 1, 2014. His mother is a widow with many children and cannot care for them properly. Silver was in a poor village school and eating only one meal per day. We had to put him back to fourth grade, even... (Read more)

  • Meet Sheila Athieno

    Age: 7 Birthday: 2009 Grade: Primary, Level 1 Sheila Athieno came to Awinjo House at the end of May 2012. Sheila’s father is unknown, her mother abandoned her, and the grandmother who was taking care of her became very sick. She was brought to an American couple who nursed Sheila back to health, but when... (Read more)