• Meet Joyce Apoya

    Age: 16 Birthday: June 21, 2000 Grade: Secondary, Level 3 Joyce Apoya came to Awinjo House on June 28, 2016. Her father died in 2007 and her mother has four children. An uncle was helping with school fees but lost his job and Joyce was out of school with no hope for a bright future.... (Read more)

  • Meet Sheila Athieno

    Age: 7 Birthday: 2009 Grade: Primary, Level 1 Sheila Athieno came to Awinjo House at the end of May 2012. Sheila’s father is unknown, her mother abandoned her, and the grandmother who was taking care of her became very sick. She was brought to an American couple who nursed Sheila back to health, but when... (Read more)

  • Meet Mercy Nakayenze

    Age: 18 Birthday: April 29, 1998 Grade: Secondary, Level 2 Mercy Nakayenze came to Awinjo House on January 21, 2011. Her father disappeared, and her mother is extremely poor with five other children. Mercy was staying with an Aunt in a border town, but there were eight children in one small room with the aunt,... (Read more)