Age: 11 Birthday: June 22, 2005 Grade: Primary, Level 4 Pauline ("Polly") came to Awinjo House on January 27th, 2014. She has a mother and a father in poor condition, four siblings, and their family has taken in four additional orphans. They could not feed all of them adequately or pay school fees in a... (Read more)
Age: 16 Birthday: August 16, 2001 Grade: Secondary, Level 1 Tabisa Cukcbiri is 16, and came to live at Awinjo House on July 23, 2016. Tabisa’s parents are extremely poor and sent her to live with her aunt, who is also the wife of the local witch doctor in Tororo. Tabisa was seriously abused by... (Read more)
Age: 11 Birthday: August 2005 Grade: Primary, Level 3 Agnes came to Awinjo House on June 14, 2014. Agnes’s father was killed, and her mother remarried and has two children by the second husband. Neither Agnes' mother nor step father work, and the conditions in their home are volatile. Agnes had some struggles when she... (Read more)
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