Meet Isaac Okola

Age: 17
Birthday: July 26, 1999
Grade: Secondary, Level 3

Isaac Oloka came to Awinjo House March 8, 2016. His mother is a widow with 5 children, and was supporting her family with agriculture. However, she was bitten by a cobra and then had to have hernia proshow gold 7 serial surgery, so she had no income. All of that set her back and she is now unable to pay school fees for her son.

Isaac is very quiet, but loves football (soccer), and desires to complete high school.


You Can Sponsor Isaac for Just $36/month

If you would like to sponsor Isaac for just $36/mo, please click the Sponsor button below to access Isaac’s personal giving page. And 100% of the money that you give will be used to provide Isaac with:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • School Fees
  • School Uniform, Books, Supplies
  • Medical Care
  • Dental Expenses
  • Mama & Papa (Ugandan Staff)


Thank You for Your Support!

Thank you for your interest in Isaac and all of the children at Awinjo House. Without your encouragement, prayers, and financial support, this ministry could not exist to raise orphaned and vulnerable children to love and serve Jesus in Uganda.


Please take some time to Meet All Of The Children at Awinjo House!

KMS Pico


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  • Meet Isaac Okola

    Age: 17 Birthday: July 26, 1999 Grade: Secondary, Level 3 Isaac Oloka came to Awinjo House March 8, 2016. His mother is a widow with 5 children, and was supporting her family with agriculture. However, she was bitten by a cobra and then had to have hernia surgery, so she had no income. All of... (Read more)