Age: 18
Birthday: April 29, 1998
Grade: Secondary, Level 2
Mercy Nakayenze came to Awinjo House on January 21, 2011. Her father disappeared, and her mother is extremely poor with five other children. Mercy was staying with an Aunt in a border town, but there were eight children in one small room with the aunt, including some much older boys. The home was next to a prostitute bar, and Mercy wanted to go to a better school.
Mercy is well behaved, and despite her difficult upbringing does well in school. She has a very shy and reserved personality, but allows her personality to shine through when she’s singing in the choir. Not only does dgflick album xpress pro 13.5 crack Mercy help lead the church choir, but she also helps set an example for the younger children.
If you would like to sponsor Mercy for just $36/mo, please click the Sponsor button below to access Mercy’s personal giving page. And 100% of the money that you give will be used to provide Mercy with: connectify 2017 full crack
Thank you for your interest in Mercy and all of the children at Awinjo House. Without your encouragement, prayers, and financial Tmpgenc Torrents support, this ministry could not exist to raise orphaned and vulnerable children to love and serve Jesus in Uganda.
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Age: 11 Birthday: June 22, 2005 Grade: Primary, Level 4 Pauline ("Polly") came to Awinjo House on January 27th, 2014. She has a mother and a father in poor condition, four siblings, and their family has taken in four additional orphans. They could not feed all of them adequately or pay school fees in a... (Read more)
Age: 7 Birthday: 2009 Grade: Secondary, Level 3 Obbo Hannington came to Awinjo House June 2, 2016. Obbo’s father, Okumu Fred quarreled with his wife and as a result burned their house down in 2012 or 2013, and all family records were lost. He died Nov. 2015 of alcohol abuse, and left his wife Aketch... (Read more)
Age: 8 Birthday: August 1, 2008 Grade: Primary, Level 3 Sheila Angel came to Awinjo House on January 27, 2014. Sheila’s mother married at about 11 or 12 years of age, produced 5 children, and then her husband died. She has little land, little income, and her grass thatched house fell down. We helped her... (Read more)
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