Age: 16
Birthday: August 16, 2001
Grade: Secondary, Level 1
Tabisa Cukcbiri is 16, and came to live at Awinjo House on July 23, 2016. Tabisa’s parents are extremely poor and sent her to live with her aunt, who is also the wife of the local witch doctor in Tororo. Tabisa was seriously abused by this new family and has come to us with significant emotional idm universal web crack v4 download wounds.
However, since being here she has begun the process of healing and receiving the love & acceptance of the Father. We are grateful for Tabisa and are believing that she is simply the first fruits of the harvest that will come from the witch doctor’s family. Please PRAY that Tabisa will continue to heal emotionally and will be born again soon!
If you would like to sponsor Tabisa for just $36/mo, please click the Sponsor button below to access Tabisa’s personal giving page. And 100% of the money that you give will be used to provide Tabisa with:
Thank you for your interest in Tabisa and all of the children at Awinjo House. Without your encouragement, prayers, and financial support, this ministry could not exist to raise orphaned and vulnerable children to love and serve Jesus in Uganda.
Age: 7 Birthday: 2009 Grade: Secondary, Level 3 Obbo Hannington came to Awinjo House June 2, 2016. Obbo’s father, Okumu Fred quarreled with his wife and as a result burned their house down in 2012 or 2013, and all family records were lost. He died Nov. 2015 of alcohol abuse, and left his wife Aketch... (Read more)
Age: 16 Birthday: April 8, 2000 Grade: Secondary, Level 2 Peace Nabuduwa came to Awinjo House on February 24, 2016. Her mother is Barbara Nambuya who was formerly a mama at Awinjo House, but left to get married in November of 2013. Poverty set in with the family and made paying school fees for Peace... (Read more)
Age: 16 Birthday: April 8, 2000 Grade: Secondary, Level 2 Prossy Ahero came to Awinjo House on February 23, 2013. Prossy's mother died in a road accident, her father is unknown, and she was staying with grandparents who could not pay the school fees for Prossy and her sister Shalom. When Prossy came she had... (Read more)
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