Age: 11
Birthday: August 2005
Grade: Primary, Level 3
Agnes came to Awinjo House on June 14, 2014. Agnes’s father was killed, and her mother remarried and has two children by the second husband. Neither Agnes’ mother nor step father work, and the conditions in their home are volatile. Agnes had some struggles when she came to Awinjo, but there has been improvement since download toon boom harmony 12 full crack she has been here. While we still have some discipline problems with her occassionally, the Lord is working in Agnes’ heart and healing her emotional wounds.
Since she first came to Awinjo House, Agnes has been a leader among the other children. She has a very lovable personality, she is always smiling, and she loves to be the center of attention. She is learning to use her influence with the other children to lead them in obedience and to follow God’s plan for their lives. We believe that God has a great plan for Agnes and will use her mightily one day to minister to the tribe that she is from.
If you would like to sponsor Agnes for just $36/mo, please click the Sponsor button below to access Agnes’ personal giving page. And 100% of the money that you give will be used to provide Agnes with:
Thank you for your interest in Agnes and all of the children at Awinjo House. Without your encouragement, prayers, and financial support, this ministry could not exist to raise orphaned and vulnerable children to love and serve Jesus in Uganda.
Age: 7 Birthday: 2009 Grade: Primary, Level 1 Sheila Athieno came to Awinjo House at the end of May 2012. Sheila’s father is unknown, her mother abandoned her, and the grandmother who was taking care of her became very sick. She was brought to an American couple who nursed Sheila back to health, but when... (Read more)
Age: 6 Birthday: 2010 Grade: Primary, Level 1 Barbara and her brother Denis were brought to us by the government on September 10, 2015. Their father and mother both had AIDS, and the father died a while back. The mother died and was buried the day before the children came here, and they were obviously... (Read more)
Age: 9 Birthday: March 4, 2007 Grade: Primary, Level 4 Patience came to Awinjo House on May 4, 2012. Patience’s mother was brutally killed in front of Patience and her half sister Sarah. Patience was about three years at the time and still shows signs of the trauma. She has no other relatives that could... (Read more)
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