Meet Sarah Achieng

Age: 11
Birthday: September 3, 2005
Grade: Primary, Level 5

Sarah Achieng came to Awinjo House on December 6, 2010. When Sarah’s father died, her mother remarried a man who killed her in front of the children. There are no other relatives that can help except an old grandmother who cannot pay for school. Sarah was understandably very traumatized when she came to Awinjo, but still did well in school. Of course there are effects of the Download Obs Studio 64-bit Full Crack trauma that she experienced, but we are counseling her through this time and inpixio photo clip 8 serial believing that God will heal her of every emotional wound.

Sarah’s personality is very quiet and reserved, but she’s sweet and has a beautiful smile.


You Can Sponsor Sarah for Just $36/month

If you would like to sponsor Sarah for just $36/mo, please click the Sponsor button below to access Sarah’s personal giving page. And 100% of the money that you give will be used to provide Sarah with: flash serial number cs6


Thank You for Your Support!

Thank you for your interest in Sarah and all of the children at Awinjo House. Without your encouragement, prayers, and financial support, this ministry could not exist to raise orphaned and vulnerable children to love and serve Jesus in Uganda. expressvpn gigapurbalingga


Please take some time to Meet All Of The Children at Awinjo House!


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